The movie of the 2 nymph assassins with their arms crossed and looking inviting is a reference to the /manga series Kill La Kill by Trigger. In the series, the main temper Satsuki Kiryuin leads an organization called the Elite Four, which includes 2 assassins named Ryuko Matoi and Senketsu Hiromichi who are tasked with hunting down a heavy suit known as the Life Fibril.
The movie of the 2 nymph assassins with their arms crossed and looking inviting is a reference to the /manga series Kill La Kill by Trigger. In the series, the main temper Satsuki Kiryuin leads an organization called the Elite Four, which includes 2 assassins named Ryuko Matoi and Senketsu Hiromichi who are tasked with hunting down a heavy suit known as the Life Fibril.
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