Oto Kasia - prawdziwy diabeł w anielskiej postaci. Niech Was nie zmylą skrzydła anioła i słodki głos Kasi. To istna diablica, która bardzo szybko namówi Was do grzechu.
This is Kasia - a real devil in angelic form. Don't be confused by the angel's wings and the sweet voice of Kasia. She is a real devil who will talk you into sin very quickly.
Oto Kasia - prawdziwy diabeł w anielskiej postaci. Niech Was nie zmylą skrzydła anioła i słodki głos Kasi. To istna diablica, która bardzo szybko namówi Was do grzechu. --- This is Kasia - a real devil in angelic form. Don't be confused by the angel's wings and the sweet voice of Kasia. She is a real devil who will talk you into sin very quickly.
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